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Tahun 2022

  1. Pengembangan Algoritma Pengolahan Citra untuk Sistem Deteksi Penggunaan Masker dengan Perangkat Low-cost.Radimas Putra Muhammad Davi Labib, ST., MT ; Dr. Eng. Aryuanto Soetedjo, ST., MT. SENIATI 2022 Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang ISSN: 2085-4218
  2. An extreme learning machine based adaptive VISMA for stability enhancement of renewable rich power systems.H Setiadi, R Shah, MR Islam, DA Asfani, TH Nasution, M Abdillah, ….Electronics 11 (2), 247
  3. A Clustering Optimization for Energy Consumption Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks using Modified K-Means++ Algorithm.FS Mukti, A Junikhah, PMA Putra, A Soetedjo, AU Krismanto.International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 15 (3), 355-365

Tahun 2021

  1. Sistem Klasifikasi Maturitas Penyakit Katarak Menggunakan Teknik Pengolahan Citra dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).Radimas Putra Muhammad Davi Labib, ST., MT Irmalia Suryani Faradisa, ST., MT..Jurnal Jurnal Varian 2022 Vol. 5 No. 2; Prototype 2021.
  2. Pencampur bahan dasar parfum otomatis untuk pembuatan salah satu jenis parfum menggunakan mikrokontroller.Mochammad Ibrahim Ashari, ST.,MT. Anis Artiyani, ST, MT .Jurnal JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical, Engineering, Mechatronics and Computer Science) 2022 Vol. 5 No. 1; Desain 2021.
  3. Analisa Perbandingan Kinerja Solar cell Jenis Monocristaline, Polycristaline, dan Graphene.Ir. Taufik Hidayat, MT. ; Ir. Eko Nurcahyo, MT ; Dr. Ir. Widodo Pudji Muljanto, MT .Jurnal International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science (IJSES) 2022 Vol. 6 No. 2; Prototype 2021.
  4. Rancang Bangun Prototipe Produksi Hidrogen Dengan Metode Elektrolisis Air Menggunakan Panel Surya.Ir. Choirul Soleh, MT ; Bima Romadhon Parada Dian Palevi, ST., MT.Jurnal International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science (IJSES) 2022 Vol. 6 No. 2.
  5. Sistem Klasifikasi Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Presentase Kadar Lemak Dengan Metode Fuzzy Untuk Informasi Konsumsi Kalori Berbasis IoT.Irmalia Suryani Faradisa, ST., MT. ; Radimas Putra Muhammad Davi Labib, ST., MT .Jurnal Indonesian Jurnal of electronics, Electromedical engineering, and mdical Informatics (IJEEEMI) 2022 Vol. 4 No. 2; Model 2021.
  6. The development of electronics telecommunication remote laboratory architecture based on mobile devices.FY Limpraptono, E Nurcahyo, A Faisol. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) 17 (03), 26
  7. Design of power monitoring and electrical control systems to support energy conservation.FY Limpraptono, E Nurcahyo, MI Ashari, E Yandri, Y Jani.Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A 58 (S), 1-8
  8. Impacts of grid-tied microgrid on stability and interaction of power systems considering RE uncertainties.AU Krismanto, N Mithulananthan, H Setiadi, EY Setyawan, M Abdillah.Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 28, 100537
  9. A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Monitoring System.FS Mukti, JE Lorenzo, R Zuhdianto, A Junikhah, A Soetedjo, ….2021 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE) 1, 1-6

Tahun 2020

  1. Monitoring Kinerja Proses Fitoremediasi Efluen IPAL Komunal Bareng Menggunakan Teknologi IoT.Evy Hendriarianti, Dr. ST., M.MT ; Dr. Eng. Aryuanto Soetedjo, ST., MT. ; Karina Auliasari, ST., M.Eng.Jurnal International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES) 2021 Vol. 14 No. 2; Model 2020.
  2. Pemanfaatan Energi Matahari sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif pada Proses Produksi Hidrogen (H2) pada Hidrofill. Ir. Choirul Soleh, MT ; Rachmadi Setiawan, ST., MT.Jurnal Jounal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science (JSTAS) 2021 Vol. 00 No. 0.
  3. Analisa Probabilistik Profil Tegangan Sistem Daya Elektrik Dengan Uncertainty Injeksi Daya Dari Pembangkit Baru Terbarukan. Awan Uji Krismanto, ST, MT, Ph.D ; Dr. Irrine Budi Sulistiawati , ST, MT ; Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Abraham Lomi, MSEE. Jurnal International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 2021 Vol. 14 No. 5.
  4. Analisis Sinyal Fetal Phonocardiogram untuk Klasifikasi Kesehatan Janin berbasis Deep Learning.Irmalia Suryani Faradisa, ST., MT. ; Febriana Santi Wahyuni, S.Kom., M.Kom.The 4th International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information 2020 Electrical Engineering Departement Petra Christian University ISSN: E3S Web Conf. Volume 188, 2020 https://www.e3s-con; HKI: Hak Cipta 2021 No. 000247915.
  5. Analisa Sistem Pengoptimalan Tegangan dengan Pengatur Seri Paralel pada Solar Cell.Mochammad Ibrahim Ashari, ST.,MT. ; Ahmad Faisol, ST., MT. Jurnal JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics and Computer Science) 2020 Vol. 3 No. 2; Desain 2020.
  6. Pemanfaatan IoT untuk Monitoring Kolam Ikan.Joseph Dedy Irawan, ST., MT. ; Emmalia Adriantantri, ST, MM ; Ir. Ida Bagus Suardika, MM ; Dr. F Yudi Limpraptono, ST. MT. ; Renaldi Primaswara Prasetya, S.Kom., M.Kom.Seminar Nasional Abdimas Ma Chung 2020 2020 Universitas Ma Chung ISSN: 978-602-9155-25-9; Jurnal International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR) 2021 Vol. 6 No. 1; Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) 2021.
  7. Rancang Bangun Alat Perajang Rebung Otomatis Berbasis Zelio Smart Relay Dan Arduino.Ir. Eko Nurcahyo, MT ; Ir. Taufik Hidayat, MT. Jurnal JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science) 2020 Vol. 5 No. 1
  8. Development Architecture of Remote Laboratory as Learning Solution in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era.FY Limpraptono, E Nurcahyo, A Faisol, M Ajiza, DK Sunaryo.Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 49-53
  9. Integration of AHP and DEA Methods for Supplier Selection.E Adriantantri, DWL Basuki, E Nurcahyo.Integration of AHP and DEA Methods for Supplier Selection 5 (2), 40-47
  10. BOD and COD Estimation of Wastewater Based on Low Cost Sensors Using Random Forest Regression Technique.A Soetedjo, E Hendriarianti, RP Prasetya, AA Marhananda, ….2022 9th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and …
  11. Implementing Discrete Model of Photovoltaic System on the Embedded Platform for Real-Time Simulation.A Soetedjo, IB Sulistiawati.Energies 13 (17), 4447


Tahun 2019

  1. Perubahan Beban Sistem Untuk Memprediksi Kemampuan Kerja Sistem Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan Neural Network.Dr. Irrine Budi Sulistiawati , ST, MT ; Dr. Eng. Aryuanto Soetedjo, ST., MT. ; Dr. Eng. I Komang Somawirata, ST., MT. Seminar Nasional Energi, Telekomunikasi dan Otomasi (SNETO) 2019 2019 Itenas Bandung ISSN: 978-623-7525-21-9; Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) 2020
  2. Analisa Pengaruh Pembangkit Tenaga Angin Skala Besar terhadap Stabilitas Tegangan Statik dan Dinamik Sistem Tenaga Listrik.Awan Uji Krismanto, ST, MT, Ph.D ; Dr. F Yudi Limpraptono, ST. MT. Jurnal International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 2021 Vol. 14 No. 4
  3. Analisa Stokastik dan Peningkatan Stabilitas Dinamik pada Operasi Autonomous Sistem Microgrid.Awan Uji Krismanto, ST, MT, Ph.D ; Ir. Yusuf Ismail Nakhoda, MT. Jurnal International Journalof Intelligent Engineering & Systems 2021 Vol. 14 No. 5
  4. Rancang Bangun Generator Magnet Permanen Fluks Aksial Multi Cakram dengan Variasi Celah Udara untuk Turbin Air Pikohidro Putaran Rendah.Ir. Yusuf Ismail Nakhoda, MT. ; Ir. Choirul Soleh, MT.Jurnal Journal of Science and Applied Engineering (JSAE) 2020 Vol. 1 No. 2
  5. Analisa Kendali Jarak Jauh Tata Suara Panggung Menggunakan Jaringan Radio.Mochammad Ibrahim Ashari, ST.,MT. ; Rachmadi Setiawan, ST., MT .SEMINAR NASIONAL GABUNGAN BIDANG REKAYASA 2019 POLINEMA MALANG ISSN: 2581-0049; Jurnal dinamika dotcom 2019 Vol. 10 No. 2; Desain 2019
  6. Pemanfaatan bluetooth itag untuk palacakan lokasi.Joseph Dedy Irawan, ST., MT. ; Dr. F Yudi Limpraptono, ST. MT. Jurnal JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science) 2020 Vol. 3 No. 2; Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) 2019
  7. Restorasi Citra Menggunakan Teknik Pencerminan Yang Didasarkan Pada Arah Gradien.Dr. Eng. I Komang Somawirata, ST., MT. ; Dr. Eng. Aryuanto Soetedjo, ST., MT. Jurnal ICESTI 2019 2020 Vol. 1 No. 1; Jurnal Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 2021 Vol. 0 No. 0
  8. Desain dan Simulasi Antena Mikrostrip Patch Array Dengan “HA”-Slot pada Frekuensi 2,4 GHz.Sotyohadi, ST., MT. ; Dr. Eng. I Komang Somawirata, ST., MT. 4th International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2019) 2019 Teknik Elektro S1, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang ISSN: 2307-1885; Jurnal Journal of Engineering Research (JER) 2020 Vol. 1 No. 1
  9. Analisis teknik segmentasi pada pengolahan citra.Mira Orisa, ST., MT. ; Ir. Taufik Hidayat, MT. .Jurnal MNEMONIC 2019 Vol. 2 No. 2
  10. Integrasi Metode Ahp Dan Dea Untuk Optimasi Pemilihan Supplier.Emmalia Adriantantri, ST, MM ; Diah Wilis Lestarining Basuki, ST., MT ; Ir. Eko Nurcahyo, MT.Jurnal International Journal of Latest Engineering & Management Research 2020 Vol. 05 No. 2; Model 2019
  11. Integration of AHP and DEA Methods for Supplier Selection.E Adriantantri, DWL Basuki, E Nurcahyo.Integration of AHP and DEA Methods for Supplier Selection 5 (2), 40-47
  12. Resilient wide‐area multi‐mode controller design based on Bat algorithm for power systems with renewable power generation and battery energy storage systems.H Setiadi, N Mithulananthan, R Shah, KY Lee, AU Krismanto.IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (10), 1884-1894
  13. Improving traffic sign detection by combining MSER and Lucas Kanade Tracking.A Soetedjo, IK Somawirata.IMPROVING TRAFFIC SIGN DETECTION BY COMBINING MSER AND LUCAS KANADE TRACKING …

Tahun 2018

  1. Remote Spectrum Analyzer based on Web Software Defined Radio for Use in Telecommunication Engineering Remote Laboratory.FY Limpraptono, E Nurcahyo.Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering 10 (2-3 )
  2. Rancang Bangun Generator Magnet Permanen Fluks Aksial Putaran Rendah untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Pikohidro.Y Nakhoda, M Hamid.Jurnal ELEKTRIKA 1 (2), 1-6
  3. Small-Signal-Stability Enhancement using a Power-System Stabilizer based on the Cuckoo-Search Algorithm against Contingency N-1 in the Sulselrabar 150-kV System.MR Djalal, MY Yunus, H Setiadi, AU Krismanto.Makara Journal of Technology 22 (1), 1
  4. Comparison of battery energy storage models for small signal stability in power system.H Setiadi, N Mithulananthan, AU Krismanto, R Shah.2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 37-42
  5. Embedded fuzzy logic controller and wireless communication for home energy management systems.A Soetedjo, YI Nakhoda, C Saleh.Electronics 7 (9), 189
  6. Penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Pikohidro Menggunakan Komponen Bekas Dengan Pemanfaatan Potensi Energi Terbarukan Di Desa Gelang Kecamatan Sumberbaru Kabupaten Jember.YI Nakhoda, IB Sulistiawati, A Soetedjo.JURNAL APLIKASI DAN INOVASI IPTEKS” SOLIDITAS”(J-SOLID) 1 (2), 99-109
  7. Flood Control Strategy In Sampang City, East Java, Indonesia.K Kustamar, F Handoko, A Soetedjo.International Journal of GEOMATE 15 (52), 62-67
  8. Speed limit traffic sign classification using multiple features matching.A Soetedjo, IK Somawirata.IT Convergence and Security 2017: Volume 1, 210-217


Tahun 2017

  1. Reliability Analysis of Distribution Network Based on Reliability Index Assessment Method: A Case Study.P Zulianti, A Lomi, E Nurcahyo.International Journal of Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy Technologies 1
  2. Rancang Bangun Dispenser Otomatis Menggunakan Sistem Vending Machine Diaplikasikan Pada Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda.IS Faradisa, E Nurcahyo, T Hidayat, T Herbasuki.Prosiding SENATEK 2015 1 (A), 478-486
  3. Implementasi Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Multifungsi untuk perbaikan kualitas daya.MA Hamid, E Nurcahyo.Prosiding SENATEK 2015 1 (A), 825-834
  4. PELATIHAN SOFTWARE ETAP (ELECTRICAL TRANSIENT ANALYZER PROGRAM) BAGI SISWA DAN GURU SMK NASIONAL MALANG.LM Hayusman, T Hidayat, C Saleh, IM Wartana, T Herbasuki.Industri Inovatif: Jurnal Teknik Industri 7 (1), 7-11
  5. Pembuatan Aplikasi Pengolahan Citra Digital Pemilihan Biji Kacang Kedelai Bagi Petani Kedelai Untuk Diterapkan Didesa Tumpang Kabupaten Malang.Y Wahyuni, T Hidayat, CW Martha.Prosiding SENATEK 2015 1 (A), 535-543
  6. Analisis Perbaikan Tegangan Sag Akibat Arus Asut Motor Induksi dengan Dynamic Voltage Restor (DVR).AM Dos Santos, T Hidayat.Elektrika: Jurnal Teknik Elektro 1 (1), 33-38
  7. Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Sumbu Vertikal Untuk Penerangan Rumah Tangga Di Daerah Pesisir Pantai.YI Nakhoda, C Saleh.Industri Inovatif: Jurnal Teknik Industri 7 (1), 20-28
  8. Dynamic droop control in microgrid for stability enhancement considering RES variation.AU Krismanto, N Mithulananthan, A Lomi.2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …
  9. Impact of load shedding on frequency and voltage system.SI Budi, A Nurdiansyah, A Lomi.2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …